Rocket Spanish Review  

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Learning to speak Spanish can be a monumental task, especially if you do not receive the proper instruction or know where to look for the best courses and learning materials.  With the cost of hiring a private Spanish tutor averaging around $35 dollars an hour or more, and formal Spanish classes costing hundreds of dollars, fortunately there is a practical and effective alternative method to learning Spanish. 

Are you here to discover how to learn Spanish fast?

Rocket Spanish is a Spanish language course created by Mauricio Evalampieff, and is considered one of the most popular Spanish courses on the market. Following is our review of the features, advantages, and usefulness of this course:

Rocket Spanish Review:

After receiving the Rocket Spanish course we were impressed with the amount of study material and "extras" that come with the course.  Most other Spanish Speaking courses seem focused on teaching only one aspect of the Spanish Language, such as grammar or vocabulary.  The comprehensive Rocket Spanish course is designed to take a person, step-by-step, from beginner level to advanced level with a variety of different teaching methods.  Here is what is included with the Rocket Spanish Course:

Instruction Manual - This manual is provided in both e-book and audio format, and contains an overview of the course which helps establish the proper mindset for successfully learning Spanish.  The manual contains a helpful section on goal setting and lays out a well thought out plan of action to help you learn to speak Spanish fluently like a native.

Interactive Audio Course -This is a series of 31 audio tracks in MP3 format. All of these audio tracks range in length from 15-25 minutes and help you start speaking Spanish by repeating words and phrases aloud after Mauricio Evalampieff, the creator of Rocket Spanish. Mauricio is a native Spanish speaker, and is assisted on the audio by Amy Waterman, who provides excellent insight and explanation of key points to learning the language. The interaction is delightful and makes learning easy and fun.    

Four e-books  Including…

Conversation Course - Contains a series of 1,000 audio tracks which allow you to hear the Spanish as you read it. Once inside the eBook you simply click on any word or phrase and listen to it being spoken aloud.  These audio tracks contain many useful words and phrases for those traveling or for anyone who wants to learn the more commonly used Spanish words and phrases quickly.

Beginners Book  - This book is designed to help beginners learn basic grammar skills.  For example it will help you understand masculine and feminine nouns, verb conjugations, and explains why Spanish has many forms of “you”.

Advanced Book - This book continues where the Beginners Book left off and explains past and future tenses, as well as the difference between some tricky prepositions.

Beginners Vocabulary Supplement - Contains a list of vocabulary words grouped by themes.  Also includes an interesting collection of 10 stories written in Spanish that is intended to help you with your vocabulary and reading comprehension all at once.

MegaVocab and MegaAudio games - These games can be installed on your computer so you can practice vocabulary from the beginner and advanced grammar books. You can improve your ability to recognize both written and spoken Spanish words while having fun trying to achieve a high score in the game.

MegaCards Beginners and Advanced series - An assortment of flash cards that you can use to test your knowledge with some of the most important words in the beginners and advanced grammar books.

Bonus Audio Lessons - These audio lessons were created at the request of people who asked to include lessons on certain vocabulary words and phrases.  These topics range from colors to numbers and will help you to become an expert with difficult words and phrases.

Rocket Spanish Forum - Here you can make new friends and practice your Spanish skills by interacting with other members in the forum! You can also get answers to any question you have directly from Mauricio or any of the other Rocket Spanish members.

Sneak peak inside the Members Area....

One thing we were concerned about with this course was the difficulty level of the course. How easily can someone who is a complete beginner and knows nothing about the Spanish Language be able to take this course and start learning Spanish as quickly as possible? After all, learning a second language is no walk in the park, a course needs to have certain fundamental qualities in order to teach complete beginners.

Many Spanish speaking courses will only teach you one aspect of the language and give little direction needed when learning a second language. People need a detailed step-by-step plan of action in order to learn Spanish or any second language for that matter. Fortunately, Rocket Spanish is designed for a complete beginner and leads you from beginner level to advanced level with a carefully laid out step-by-step audio and instructional materials. Also, if you are limited in the amount of time you have to learn Spanish, you can use this course to your advantage by playing the audio tracks while driving in your car.
Everybody enjoys playing games, right? We found the best feature of the Rocket Spanish course lies in the MegaVocab and MegAudio games.  It’s a known fact that the easiest way to learn something is by actually enjoying the learning process.  The games were enjoyable and effective because they use pictures as well as audio to help you associate things with what they are in Spanish.  Another great feature about the games is that you can add your own unique vocabulary lists and create your own quizzes so you can study what you want to right away.

MegaAudio and MegaVocab Game Screenshots

We found help and support to be excellent due to the Rocket Spanish Forum which is available for members only.  The forum is a great place to meet other people using the course to learn Spanish and to get answers to any pressing questions from Muaricio and the forum moderators.

We were also pleased to discover Rocket Spanish comes with a 56 day money-back guarantee. Anyone can try the course for up to eight weeks and simply request a refund if they aren't satisfied with the product. Compared to other Spanish Language courses available online, Rocket Spanish offered the best features and usability. If you're considering learning to speak Spanish fluently and how to learn Spanish fast, but don't have the money for expensive one-on-one tutoring or group classes, Rocket Spanish is an excellent choice.

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